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4 Multi-function products for the super busy mum

Busy mums deserve intelligently designed products to make their life easier. Here are 4 multi-function products that any mum would love.

If there is one thing that all can agree with, mums in Singapore are busy! Take the case of Michelle. Michelle has three kids. Her day starts at 5 am. She gets up, gets the house in order, drops the kids at school and takes the MRT to office. After work, she rushes back home, takes the kids to the enrichment classes and by the time she is back, it is quite late.

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Imagine the things that go on in her head. She is worried about her childrens’ grades, if they eat properly, about savings, just to name a few things. Mums, can you relate with Michelle? Thankfully, when it comes to taking care of the children, there are a few products that could be useful for more than one purpose.

Here are 4 handy products that a busy mum could use:

1# Pureen liquid cleanser

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Do you find it frustrating that you need to buy a different cleanser for bottles, a different one for fruits and vegetables? The Liquid Cleanser for Feeding Bottles, Nipples, & Vegetables is a one stop solution to all your feeding-related cleaning needs!

Made from plant based ingredients, it is effective in removing milk fats and stains. It is safe for babies! Use this to save those 5 precious minutes and catch a coffee break!

2# Head to toe wash

Some kids love taking bath and some don’t. But when you are involved in giving your child a bath, you want something effective that gets the work done fast! What better product than a head to toe wash that also doubles up as a shampoo and a conditioner? You can save the shampoos for the weekends! On school days, just use this and you are sorted.

With the yogurt sweet scents, be assured that everyone is going to enjoy the bath time!

What’s more, it can be used by adults too! So, don’t worry if some day you run out of your soap.

3# Sterilising tablets

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Do you find it frustrating that you have a lot of things to sterilise and it takes forever in the morning to do so in batches? On top of that, a few things cannot be steam sterilised. For a one stop solution, you can use the Pureen sterilising tablets for chemical sterilisation of all your products.

So now, you can sterilise bottles, pump parts, nipples, sippers all in one go!

4# Antibacterial liquid detergent with softener

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Kids run through a lot of clothes in the course of a day! For a mum who has to do laundry almost daily, a product that works both as a detergent and a fabric softener is a boon! It has a special antibacterial action that ensures that the clothes are fresh and clean every time they come out of the washing machine.

Mums, if you use these products, you can save up to half an hour each day! Isn’t that a treat? Get them at Q0010, Lazada, and Shopee.
